Click here for a Free Ebook about finding Joy in Parenting!

Using my methodology, I assess the needs of the child and family, and create a bespoke plan for them. This is vital when finding a solution that is right for you all. Getting to know the family and the child is so important to me, and set’s you up for success in solving your little one’s sleep struggles. Giving you the knowledge you need in order to understand what is going on for your little one and their sleep right now, and how to implement changes so that your child can sleep peacefully through the night.

Social proof: testimonials

“We’re now finished working with Amanda and are four weeks into full nights of sleep. Even with Eden getting her last four teeth!!! I’m not even exaggerating when I say Amanda has saved my sanity, my marriage and probably even my life. The best Christmas present we could have asked for. From the bottom of our hearts…. THANK YOU AMANDA!!!”

Susan, mum to 2year old Girl

“I could not recommend her enough. She is incredible. I was really struggling and she gave us our sleep and relationship back – I was no longer broken and sleepless and was able to thrive as a new mummy. Thank you!”

Kim, mum to 4month old Boy